Private Yoga


MOVE better, BREATHE better, FEEL better…
Transform tension & stress to CALM, CLARITY & VITALITY
and let RADIANT WELLBEING be your new normal



Enjoy a relaxing & meditative Single or 3-Session Package of Therapeutic Ballwork sessions!

self-massage + body/mind awareness

= renewed health & vitality

We use rubber balls of varying sizes and textures to stretch tense muscles and release fascia (connective tissue).

Staying healthy and grounded is easier when you have the support you need!

Together we can create a program tailored to your needs, on your schedule, so you can flourish, feel healthier and enjoy your life!

See below how we can work together! 👇

 Raise your hand if…

  • You’re stiff, think you’re inflexible, or have limited range of motion in your joints.

  • You have limited time for basic self-care (let alone time to go to a gym or yoga class!)

  • You struggle with fatigue and feeling depleted

  • Depression and/or anxiety prevent you from feeling like your best, most vital self

  • You long for someone to guide you toward a gentler, more peaceful experience of life

  • You’re often on high-alert or worried, and the constant state of stress is making you feel depleted or burned out.

  • You want to sleep better, rest more deeply, and refill your well regularly

  • You want to learn and experience yoga and meditation with skillful, personalized attention from me!


  • movement + breath + relaxation = vitality & immunity

    A potent blend of modalities, mindful breathing techniques and deep awareness-building to help you develop strength and mobility, calm your mind, and soothe your nervous system. We’ll design the perfect program for YOU, so that every bit of you feels supported, in balance, and brimming with wellbeing!

  • mindful focus + non-judgmental awareness = increased happiness, harmony, & peace

    My mindfulness practice is grounded in Vipassana meditation (S.N. Goenka tradition), the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, and other studies. Mindfulness is an exploration of your moment-to-moment experience that over time helps you develop steadiness of mind and body, and increased love and compassion for yourself and others.

Love From Private 1:1 Yoga Clients

  • “I mostly do restorative practices, and it’s my one hour, twice a week that I get to focus on my body, relax, and loosen muscles. You’re always a wonderful guide for things like that. You have great intuition. You describe positions and poses well.”

    Julie Chendes (2023)

  • “You've helped me find my inner wisdom, commit to my own self care, surrender to the twists and turns of life and trust that I will be okay.... and that who I am is enough.”

    Laura Guarino (2023)

  • "Yesterday... I was so wound up and racy and not able to come down. I was able to access relaxation and deep serenity in such a short time with you. It totally shifted my energy for the entire rest of the day! The permission, encouragement to slow down, and love you give felt so good. "

    Teri Scheinzeit (2023)