Saturday, Nov. 4th & Sunday, Nov. 5th @ Beahive

Beacon Bonfire Wellness Workshops

With Amy Soucy & Phoebe Leona

Beahive is a venue for the 2nd annual Beacon Bonfire, an immersive 2-day Main St exploration that sparks conversation, curiosity and collaboration. With 300+ performers and 25+ venues.

The Call to Create with Amy Soucy & Phoebe Leona

Date: Saturday, November 4th, 2023

Time: 12pm - 1pm (EST)

Location: BEAHIVE - 6 Eliza Street, Beacon, NY 12508

Calm your nervous system to open to the deep, creative flow within you. Using yoga and other grounding movement practices, breathwork, meditation, and sacred circle – you’ll tap into your unique magic and outline a path to your next creative adventure!

Mvt109™ Ceremony for Artists & Healers with Amy Soucy & Phoebe Leona

Date: Sunday, November 5th, 2023

Time: 10:30am - 11:45am (EST)

Location: BEAHIVE - 6 Eliza Street, Beacon, NY 12508

Healers - nurture yourselves! Artists - give back to your expressive selves! Join yoga teachers, healers, and creators Amy & Phoebe for Mvt109™, a transformative practice that features grounding, restorative yoga followed by ecstatic, free movement and dance. Come get rejuvenated and reinspired, and celebrate our vibrant healing and creative community!